Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 18272 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 18272 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.
The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.
For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new developer feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.
Things to note:
- This build works in conjunction with previously released SDKs and Visual Studio 2017. You can install this SDK and still also continue to submit your apps that target Windows 10 build 1803 or earlier to the Microsoft Store.
- The Windows SDK will now formally only be supported by Visual Studio 2017 and greater. You can download the Visual Studio 2017 here.
- This build of the Windows SDK will install on Windows 10 Insider Preview builds and supported Windows operating systems.
- In order to assist with script access to the SDK, the ISO will also be able to be accessed through the following URL: once the static URL is published.
API Updates, Additions and Removals
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls { public sealed class PhoneLine { PhoneLineBluetoothDetails BluetoothDetails { get; } HResult EnableTextReply(bool value); } public sealed class PhoneLineBluetoothDetails public enum PhoneLineTransport { Bluetooth = 2, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background { public enum PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason public sealed class PhoneIncomingCallDismissedTriggerDetails public enum PhoneLineProperties : uint { BluetoothDetails = (uint)512, } public enum PhoneTriggerType { IncomingCallDismissed = 6, } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider { public static class PhoneCallOriginManager { public static bool IsSupported { get; } } } namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core { public sealed class ResourceCandidate { ResourceCandidateKind Kind { get; } } public enum ResourceCandidateKind } namespace Windows.Globalization { public sealed class CurrencyAmount } namespace Windows.Management.Deployment { public enum AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions : uint { ApplyToExistingPackages = (uint)512, } } namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity { public enum NetworkAuthenticationType { Wpa3 = 10, Wpa3Sae = 11, } } namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators { public sealed class ESim { ESimDiscoverResult Discover(); ESimDiscoverResult Discover(string serverAddress, string matchingId); IAsyncOperation<ESimDiscoverResult> DiscoverAsync(); IAsyncOperation<ESimDiscoverResult> DiscoverAsync(string serverAddress, string matchingId); } public sealed class ESimDiscoverEvent public sealed class ESimDiscoverResult public enum ESimDiscoverResultKind } namespace Windows.Security.DataProtection { public enum UserDataAvailability public sealed class UserDataAvailabilityStateChangedEventArgs public sealed class UserDataBufferUnprotectResult public enum UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus public sealed class UserDataProtectionManager public sealed class UserDataStorageItemProtectionInfo public enum UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus } namespace Windows.System { public enum ProcessorArchitecture { Arm64 = 12, X86OnArm64 = 14, } } namespace Windows.UI.Composition { public interface IVisualElement } namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions { public class VisualInteractionSource : CompositionObject, ICompositionInteractionSource { public static VisualInteractionSource CreateFromIVisualElement(IVisualElement source); } } namespace Windows.UI.Input { public class AttachableInputObject : IClosable public sealed class InputActivationListener : AttachableInputObject public sealed class InputActivationListenerActivationChangedEventArgs public enum InputActivationState } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview { public static class InputActivationListenerPreview } namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection { public enum InjectedInputButtonEvent public sealed class InjectedInputButtonInfo public enum InjectedInputButtonKind public sealed class InputInjector { void InjectButtonInput(IIterable<InjectedInputButtonInfo> input); } } namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement { public sealed class ApplicationView { ApplicationWindowPresenterKind AppliedPresenterKind { get; } string PersistedStateName { get; } public static IAsyncOperation<bool> ClearAllPersistedStateAsync(); public static IAsyncOperation<bool> ClearPersistedStateAsync(string value); bool TrySetPersistedStateName(string value); } public sealed class UISettings { bool AutoHideScrollBars { get; } event TypedEventHandler<UISettings, UISettingsAutoHideScrollBarsChangedEventArgs> AutoHideScrollBarsChanged; } public sealed class UISettingsAutoHideScrollBarsChangedEventArgs namespace Windows.UI.Xaml { public class ContentRoot public sealed class ContentRootRasterizationScaleChangedEventArgs public sealed class ContentRootSizeChangedEventArgs public sealed class ContentRootVisibilityChangedEventArgs public sealed class ContentRootVisibleBoundsChangedEventArgs public class UIElement : DependencyObject, IAnimationObject { Shadow Shadow { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ShadowProperty { get; } } public class UIElementWeakCollection : IIterable<UIElement>, IVector<UIElement> } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls { public class ContentDialog : ContentControl { ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives { public sealed class AppBarTemplateSettings : DependencyObject { double NegativeCompactVerticalDelta { get; } double NegativeHiddenVerticalDelta { get; } double NegativeMinimalVerticalDelta { get; } } public sealed class CommandBarTemplateSettings : DependencyObject { double OverflowContentCompactOpenUpDelta { get; } double OverflowContentHiddenOpenUpDelta { get; } double OverflowContentMinimalOpenUpDelta { get; } } public class FlyoutBase : DependencyObject { ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; } bool IsWindowed { get; } public static DependencyProperty IsWindowedProperty { get; } bool IsWindowedRequested { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsWindowedRequestedProperty { get; } } public sealed class Popup : FrameworkElement { ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; } bool IsWindowed { get; } public static DependencyProperty IsWindowedProperty { get; } bool IsWindowedRequested { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty IsWindowedRequestedProperty { get; } bool ShouldMoveWithContentRoot { get; set; } public static DependencyProperty ShouldMoveWithContentRootProperty { get; } } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct { public enum XamlPropertyIndex { AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeCompactVerticalDelta = 2367, AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeHiddenVerticalDelta = 2368, AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeMinimalVerticalDelta = 2369, CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentCompactOpenUpDelta = 2370, CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentHiddenOpenUpDelta = 2371, CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentMinimalOpenUpDelta = 2372, } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting { public class DesktopWindowXamlSource : IClosable { bool ProcessKeyboardAccelerator(VirtualKey key, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers); } public sealed class ElementCompositionPreview { public static UIElement GetApplicationWindowContent(ApplicationWindow applicationWindow); public static void SetApplicationWindowContent(ApplicationWindow applicationWindow, UIElement xamlContent); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input { public sealed class FocusManager { public static UIElement FindNextFocusableElementInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot); public static UIElement FindNextFocusableElementInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot, Rect hintRect); public static object GetFocusedElement(ContentRoot contentRoot); public static bool TryMoveFocusInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot); public static IAsyncOperation<FocusMovementResult> TryMoveFocusInContentRootAsync(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media { public class Shadow : DependencyObject public class ThemeShadow : Shadow public sealed class VisualTreeHelper { public static IVectorView<Popup> GetOpenPopupsWithinContentRoot(ContentRoot contentRoot); } } namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation { public class GravityConnectedAnimationConfiguration : ConnectedAnimationConfiguration { bool IsShadowEnabled { get; set; } } } namespace Windows.Web.Http { public sealed class HttpClient : IClosable, IStringable { IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryDeleteAsync(Uri uri); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryGetAsync(Uri uri); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryGetAsync(Uri uri, HttpCompletionOption completionOption); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetBufferResult, HttpProgress> TryGetBufferAsync(Uri uri); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetInputStreamResult, HttpProgress> TryGetInputStreamAsync(Uri uri); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetStringResult, HttpProgress> TryGetStringAsync(Uri uri); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryPostAsync(Uri uri, IHttpContent content); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryPutAsync(Uri uri, IHttpContent content); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TrySendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request); IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TrySendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption); } public sealed class HttpGetBufferResult : IClosable, IStringable public sealed class HttpGetInputStreamResult : IClosable, IStringable public sealed class HttpGetStringResult : IClosable, IStringable public sealed class HttpRequestResult : IClosable, IStringable }
The post Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18272 available now! appeared first on Windows Developer Blog.