.NET Core 2.0 was released on August 14, 2017. As a non-LTS release, it is supported for 3 months after the next release. .NET Core 2.1 was released on May 30th, 2018. As a result, .NET Core 2.0 will be supported until September 1, 2018.
After that time, .NET Core patch updates will no longer include updated packages of container images for .NET Core 2.0. You should plan your upgrade from .NET Core 2.0 to 2.1 now.
Upgrade to .NET Core 2.1
The supported upgrade path from .NET Core 2.0 is via .NET Core 2.1. Instructions for upgrading can be found in the following documents:
.NET Core 2.1 will be a long-term support release. We recommend that you make .NET Core 2.1 your new standard for .NET Core development.
Microsoft Support Policy
Microsoft has a published support policy for .NET Core. It includes policies for two release types: LTS and Current. .NET Core 2.0 is a Current release.
- LTS releases include features and components that have been stabilized, requiring few updates over a longer support release lifetime. These releases are a good choice for hosting applications that you do not intend to update often.
- Current releases include features and components that are new and that may undergo future change based on feedback. These releases are a good choice for applications in active development, giving you access to the latest features and improvements. You need to upgrade to later .NET Core releases more often to stay in support.
Both types of releases receive critical fixes throughout their lifecycle, for security, reliability, or to add support for new operating system versions. You must stay up-to-date with the latest patches to qualify for support.
See .NET Core Supported OS Lifecycle Policy to learn about Windows, macOS and Linux versions that are supported for each .NET Core release.